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Heat reflective coatings

new-roof-coatings-adelaide00202Tiled Roof Restoration
Independently certified heat reflective coatings, ASTEC PAINTS Energy Star® products are used exclusively for heat reduction in a range of coatings that no longer mean dark colors are hot colors.
High technology formulation using nano ceramics, have enabled ASTEC PAINTS Energy Star® products to be the first Company to achieve the keenly sought “Energy Star®” compliance. Commonly associated with domestic and commercial appliance efficiency, independent certification by the International Energy Star Corporation demonstrates the known effectiveness of the ASTEC range of products.
The coatings are further endorsed as CodeMark certified and Good Environmental Choice Australia with 95% of all products being low in V.O.C’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) making a positive difference to the environment. Even we are amazed at how well these heat reflective products work. You can see more at www.astecpaints.com.au

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